August Favourite’s!

Hi everyone! I hope you have had an amazing start to the month and that your August was a memorable one! If you don’t think it was then sit back because I’m about to throw a bunch of memories in favourites form in your face so hard you will feel like you lived through them! πŸ˜‚ (…If you did have a brilliant month then I’m sorry about this unnecessary pain! πŸ˜‚). How is it September already?! I reckon that those of us who can’t believe where the time has gone were secretly abducted by aliens who hate summer and didn’t want us to experience it in it’s entirety! πŸ˜‚ I’m not going to lie to you though, I enjoy cold weather a lot more than hot so maybe I was one of those aliens trying to make time go by fast πŸ€”πŸ˜‚ anywho! The majority of my favourites​ from August were bought on my holiday so this is more like a haul of items that made my month and I can’t wait to share them with you! πŸ˜„

Deichmann rose boots Β£25

I showed you these shoes in my Holiday in the UK – Week 1 post and I can’t help but feel they should be at the top of my favourite’s post too πŸ˜‚ they are so beautiful and unique! They were out of stock in my size in the first Deichmann I saw them in so I’m glad I ordered them into another store and didn’t just leave them as I think they were a bargain for Β£25 (it was a treat….for myself! πŸ˜πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚).

Molly & Rex – Monthly and weekly planner from TKmaxx – Β£7.99

I have been writing in this planner since I got back home from my holiday and I am in love with it! πŸ˜‚ I have always enjoyed planning out days and writing lists even if they fall through if I feel unwell as for a short time I am given control of what I intend to do with my day and that’s good enough for me πŸ˜‚ it’s great how it starts in August and continues on until the end of next year too so I can plan a lot further into the future!

Asquith & Somerset – 18 peppermint bath tablets from TKmaxx – Β£3.99

I am yet to try out these bath tablets that I bought last month but oddly enough I feel the need to put them down as favourites because they smell so gorgeous! πŸ˜‚ I still can’t wrap my head around how well priced they were for 18 tablets! I remember on the day I got them my nan and I were continuously taking the lid of to smell the peppermint before putting it back on so the aroma didn’t escape πŸ˜‚ it  made us a bit woozy after a while so probably not the best of ideas! πŸ˜‚

Cetaphil – moisturising cream from Superdrug – Β£6.99

I’ve been meaning to try out Cetaphil since reading a blog review on one of their products and judging by this moisturizer I am not disappointed! I bought it because the E45 lotion I usually put on every morning started to make me a bit red for some reason which was noticable ontop of the redness my Raynaud’s gives my face πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚ since using this Cetaphil cream the majority of the redness has vanished! Plus it works well with my freederm to eliminate any spots and dry skin! πŸ˜‚

A year at the star and sixpence by Holly Hepburn 

I saw this book first by reading a review and then again on the boat coming back home to Ireland but I left without buying it thinking I should finish the book I’m in the middle of reading first. However this way of thinking went out of the window when I saw it in a charity shop 3 books for €2!! πŸ˜›πŸ˜†…as you can guess..I went slighty crazy and bought more than 3 books…make that around 15/20 who’s counting? πŸ™ˆπŸ˜πŸ˜‚ This book came out last year so I couldn’t believe it would be in the charity shop full stop πŸ˜‚ I only just realized it is the full collection of “star and sixpence” in one book too! πŸ˜‚ Holly Hepburn has an incredibly addictive way of telling a story that pulls you in and makes you feel like you not only live amongst the characters but can visualize their picturesque countryside surroundings too. Its the kind of book that makes you want to write a review (would you be interested in reading it because I sure would be in writing it! πŸ˜‚). It’s about two sisters who inherit their fathers pub in a village far away from the lifes they are used to in London. In the first part the village community (some who are less than welcoming) set them the task of opening up the derelict pub a short time after their arrival but sinking ever deeper into the story the sisters pasts come back to challenge them. Of course there’s some romance in it and a lot of laughs to keep it light too! It’s like a soap opera and I don’t want it to end! πŸ˜‚

OGX – Shampoo and conditioner from Boots – 2 for Β£10

I have wanted to try OGX hair products for a while now as I’ve been curious as to whether you really do get what it says on the bottle if you pay a little more πŸ˜‚. I was first going to buy both the shampoo and conditioner in their O2 range because they make it sound like it’s hyration does more for your hair than water does for your organs πŸ˜‚ now that’s advertising! πŸ˜‚ but then I thought their quenched sea mineral moisture range sounded so relaxing and smelt stronger and less watered down that I got the condioner for that thinking condioner will do most of the work and the O2 range shampoo to go with it πŸ˜‚

Silver shoelaces from New Look – Β£2.99

I got these shoelaces because I thought it would be cool to customize them with my converse which I probably won’t go out with (but its nice to have the option! πŸ˜‚) I have a pair of trainers that are white which a silver streak down the side (they look like adidas but are asos) that my sister got me for my last birthday and i think these laces will go towards them! πŸ˜‚

Taylor Swift – Look What You Made Me Do

I can map out the process of which I slowly grew to LOVE this song πŸ˜‚ I had heard the name of it going around and didn’t know what to expect (and didn’t go looking for it either to see what all the fuss was about πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚) and ended up seeing the lyrics video on TV before a film I planned to watch came on and thought “this is good…if this is good how will the actual video be?!” πŸ˜‚ Then the next day I saw the actual video and I really like it! Although the zombie at the start is the stuff of nightmares! πŸ™ˆπŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚ It usually takes me a while to get into a song and when I do it sounds like I’m hearing it for the first time through new ears πŸ˜‚ but this one gets in your head fast and is not even annoying me yet as it plays over and over up there πŸ˜‚ (plus I don’t think it sounds like Right said Fred’s “I’m too sexy” like some people are saying at the moment πŸ€” I can hear it a little but that’s just looking for something to be annoyed about πŸ˜‚…now I have that playing in my head! πŸ˜¬πŸ˜«πŸ˜‚ on that note! πŸ˜‚).

Before I go I would like to wish my sister a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow!! πŸ˜†πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰πŸŽ She will be 21! (We’re getting old πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚). I love her more than life itself and hope she has the most amazing day because she deserves it and is my best friend! Lots of love if you’re reading this (probably not but hey-ho can’t have everything go to plan! πŸ˜‚ If you are reading this notice how I don’t tell everyone on here what I’ve got you because your a sneaky one and this would be the one time of the year you decide to pay me a visit here! πŸ˜‚ Yep I know you! And love you! Xxxx πŸ˜‚ )

Thank you for reading! πŸ˜‰πŸ’— What were your favourites last month? have a lovely day!


  1. I’m really loving the boots, and the planner, so cute! I think I’ve tried OGX products once lol but I don’t quite remember how I liked it, I also had a completely different hair texture at the time lol.

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