Mystery Blogger Award // March 2019

Hi everyone! How are you today? ❤️ I was nominated by Misha over at Dogs & Dungarees to do this award and I’m so excited as it’s been ages since I did my last one so a massive THANK YOU to her, it means so much to be thought of and I appreciate it 💞 This award was created by Okoto Enigma 👏 so as to “give recognition to bloggers that haven’t been discovered yet and to create a friendly community in the blogosphere” (amen to that I say! 🙌). Let’s get to it before I go off point! 😂


  1. Put the award logo onto your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. State three random facts about yourself
  6. Nominate 10-20 people
  7. Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choosing
  8. Share a link to your best post(s)

Three random facts about myself:

1. I’ve never been on a plane before 🛩️

2. I get incredibly loud hiccups. They tend to happen in the evenings and when they do it’s SO embarrassing knowing everyone is trying to sleep and I’m basically shout hiccuping like my life depends on it 🙊😂

3. I get a crazy amount of joy when I hear the word “advertisement” said in that posh way everyone said it in Downton Abbey. They pronounced the “ise” in the middle like “is” more than necessary and it gets me every time 😂

Questions asked of me + my answers:

1. Why did you start your blog?

I did a post all about why I started my blog HERE (thank you search bar as that was AGES ago 😂). The long and short of it was basically to escape from my chronic pain and do something that would fulfill my love of writing.

2. What is your favourite Disney movie?

Zootropolis! 🐯 I love it although I think I need to broaden my horizons as its been a while since I watched any other Disney movie 😂

3. What kind of music do you like?

I honestly like all kinds. If I had to pick I’d choose Indie Rock 🎶 My mp3 is full of so many different things depending on the mood I’m in though 😂

4. What is your biggest achievement?

For a long time it was getting through my leaving cert through homeschooling with a tutor + working on my own because of my chronic pain but I’ve come to realize through not wanting to hold onto that time forever through want of an answer that going through living with undiagnosed chronic pain and all that it entails is my greatest achievement. Even on bad days I try to see it as that way because it’s not easy getting to the other side of a flare-up.

5. Where do you see yourself in five years?

I’m scared if I say it out loud it won’t come true but on the other hand if I don’t put it out there it will come to that same end too so here goes everything… In five years time I would like to be blogging full time and it feels silly saying it out loud (through the medium of typing 🤔voicing my thoughts is just plain weird 😂) but I want to make a name for myself.

I nominate:

Meghan’s whimsical explorations and reviews


Gracefully in the moment

Lifestyle • Adventure • Beauty

Sarah’s cup of beauty

Sea of words

Louise Austin Richards

Just Wolfish Delight

Don’t give a Jam


And you! Yes YOU! If you have gotten this far in the post, are yet to go off and check out these amazing bloggers and you want to have a go at this award then do it! 💞

Questions for nominees:

1. Where is your favourite place to be in the world?

2. If you could be any cartoon character who would you be?

3. What was the last thing you said out loud?

4. Do you have any goals for 2019? If so what are they?

5. Would you change anything about blogging in general?

Link to what I think is my best post(s):

This was a difficult decision but I’m going to go with Overcoming my social anxiety (as it was very difficult for me to write) and Spring room decor (because it was fun to put together!).

And that’s that! Thank you for reading! 😉 Feel free to answer the questions for the nominees in the comments if you want, I’d love to know your answers! Have a lovely day! ❤️

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  1. Congratulations on your nomination. It’s so awesome. I absolutely loved reading your post. I love how you finished the post by nominating everyone who read to the end. Congratulations again Raheela

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