My haircut! 💇😆

Hi everyone! How are you today? It’s Friday the 13th! 😬😂 As I write this I am happy for two reasons, one is because our garden is completely coated in fallen leaves! 😍🍁 (Which all came down with a gust of wind and it looked so magical!) and the other reason is because I got a haircut yesterday! which may be a weird thing to be happy about 😂 but I felt like I needed a change for a majority of reasons and Autumn seemed like the perfect time for it! (May have something to do with how excited I am to wear beanie hats with it in this weather now! 😏😂). 

I have wanted my hair cut for a while now as it being long became annoying when trying to put it up in my usual bun 😂 (after years of wanting it long I basically couldn’t handle it when my wish came true! 🙈😂). Alongside it being difficult to control (as when my hair is dry it is a really curly flat afro 😂) It would tickle my face so I stopped wearing it down. This is how long my hair was before it was trimmed (it had to be cut fast before it dried and started to frizz up 😂):

I decided I wanted down it to my collar bone so that I can still wear it up the way I have recently liked it and get back into wearing it down too (plus just to be safe as it curls up into nothingness anyway 😂). It definitely makes me feel more confident when my hair is back out of my face as then I feel like I’m hiding less. I booked a couple of appointments at my favourite hairdresser’s but ended up cancelling every time as I couldn’t get out because of my recent flare-up of joint pains that I mentioned before. If one good thing comes out of this pain it’s that I saved money as my mum kindly cut it for me instead! 😂 We often joke about my mum cutting our hair as in the journey of evening it out we are left with none! 🙈😂 But this time I trusted her (with a childhood memory at the back of my mind of ending up looking like Krusty the clown whilst staying in hospital and not even knowing about it because of the lack of mirrors! 🙈😂) and I am extremely happy! This is how it looked whilst it was drying afterwards:

Argh the double glasses filter again!! 😂 (I keep forgetting about them as I rarely take pictures but when I do it’s Snapchat as you know! 😂). I am waiting for my hair to dry so I will see how short it really is as a tangled mess 😂 update: this is how my it looks today!

I feel like I’m converting into 19 year old me what with it being my birthday next month! 😲 I was kinda sad about it and how times moving fast but now I realize it’s just a number as I’m still the same me! (Yet I’m slightly more at ease with my mum cutting my hair now! 😂).  Also, today I got my ears pierced again! (I mentioned about wanted to get them done again after they closed up in my summer bucket list post and I’ve finally done it! 😂).

Thank you for reading! 😉💗 What is your favourite way to style your hair at the moment? Have a lovely day!


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