My Blog Name + Starting Out! 

Hi everyone! How are you? Today I thought I would write about the story behind my blog name and how I started blogging! Mainly because I remembered the night I thought up “Elsie LMC”. Back then blogging was anywhere but on my mind! 😂

I originally thought up the name after wanting a pen name unique to me that I could dream of one day signing off as in books! (I’ve always wanted to be an author 😂 and I love to write!) I couldn’t imagine my real name being on a cover as I was nervous of people I used to know seeing it (the kind of nerves that feel strange trying to explain as I had no sane reasoning behind them at the time 😂). That night I went through a couple of different variations of my name and initials until I came up with: Elsie (the first letter of my name, Lucy, and the first letter of my surname, C, in name form…LC=Elsie!) and LMC (first letter of name, one of my middle names and surname!). This kind of thinking only comes to me in the middle of the night 😂. I remember having one of those feelings that you get at night where you feel like you can do anything (until morning comes around 😂), a bit like the confidence my mum gave me that shrouded my self doubt the evening I decided to start this blog and the name “Elsie LMC” came back to me! 

Looking back, I don’t know when the word “blogging” popped into my head 😂 before the 13/14 December 2016 (I’m not sure which day it was I started blogging 🙈 It will be a surprise on the day I get a notification for the anniversary 😂) I had never intentionally gone and read a blog post before so I don’t know why I thought it would be for me 😂. I remember on that day I started toying with the idea getting excited, looking up the differences between Blogger and WordPress and then self doubt would creep in and my smile would drop off my face. This was the time I wrote of in my big news! decisions and an unexpected break is over! post when reality had pushed me down and made me realize I wasn’t capable of doing a full-time course so I had moved to part time instead thinking it was meant to be. I was beginning to realize I couldn’t even handle that. That evening, I was doubting myself more than ever before, I felt like I wasn’t good enough for anything and why would anyone like me if my own body didn’t even like me and let me lead a normal life. But underneath the doubt I saw my chance at having control of something for once, something that would not be stuck in one place (like my health) and would (Hopefully) progress, although I didn’t put much thought into who would read my writing or what I would write for that matter 😂 I just wanted to take a step towards being an author all the while not realizing the true reason I started my blog: to escape my pain…well, equal parts wanting to be an author and escape! 😂 I needed to remember that I had proved to myself in the past that I was not one to give up when I got through homeschooling after not being able to go in to school.

Those of you who have read some of my earlier posts will see that I didn’t mention my illness for a good while before I realized that it makes me who I am and I can hopefully help others in similar situations. That evening I would not have downloaded the WordPress app and started had my mum not said “just do it! You want to do it so go for it!” (I can’t remember her exact words but I know she said “just do it” 😂). I would not have been able to keep it a secret from my family either because all I kept saying to my mum was “I don’t know if I should” on repeat 😂 my sister was out that night and so I told her and my dad separately the next day (I was awkwardly nervous announcing it before running up to my room pretending to get something both times 😂).

Since then I have posted every second day (the amount of times I mention that you can tell I’m surprised 😂). I’m still learning what a blog is as I started on a whim with no previous knowledge of what went on in this community (a fair example of throwing yourself in the deep end 👌😂) but everyday I am reminded that yes the rambling, writing and pictures make up a post, it’s the people here that make you feel like a blogger. You take the time to read something that might not affect you in anyway, you are changing a person who used to doubt every move she made into a person who has become passionate about trying to make you stop doubting yourself (the air is thick with doubt here 😂) and trying to make you see how truly amazing you are!! I never would have thought I would be doing something like this because I’m a shy one 😂 but I feel like I have made so many friends here 😄 if something so unexpected can bring so much joy and newfound passion what else has life got in store for us all?…..I don’t know yet 😂 but I’m glad that I have all of you to share this amazing journey with! 💗

Thank you for reading! 😉💗 Can you remember the day you started your blog? How does it feel to look back on it? I hope you have a lovely day!


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