500+ followers! 😵😆🤗 Thank you!! 💗

Hi everyone! On Saturday evening, I reached a huge milestone on my blog. A milestone that has shocked me into silence (that’s what makes it huge 😂). I now have 500+ followers!! Thank you all so much!💗. Since Saturday, I have been trying to conjure up the right words to express my gratitude to you all. It’s strange how this makes me feel like I’m going to burst with happyness, but the words are difficult to find. You have taken the time to read, like, comment on my blog. You have used your time, and that is precious. It may have taken a couple of minutes, but your not getting that back 🙈😂 and that’s what makes me feel so grateful! I would like to say a massive THANK YOU to each and every one of you! 

Thinking back to the day I started my blog, it feels weird to imagine that one minute of motivation could bring such a change in how I feel in myself right now. I’ve come across so many people’s blog’s that bring happyness to my day and I can only dream of my blog being that way for you too. 

You know that gif where it says “sending virtual hugs”? I would like to send you virtual hugs and squeezes (because that’s how I hug when I mean it 😂). THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING ME ON MY BLOGGING JOURNEY! (And the internal shouting award goes to…😂) I’ve never felt like it’s a journey for me more than I do in this moment! 💗

I don’t think I have ever mentioned my posting schedule on my blog before 😂 I post every second day (3 times this week, 4 times next week, then 3 times the week after that and so on) so I’ll see you all on Wednesday! 💗

Thank you for reading! Have a lovely day 😉💗


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